Growing as a Believer

There is a deep hunger right now in our world for hope. We believe our hope is found in Jesus Christ. We long to know Him & to have a deeper relationship with Him, his Father, and the Holy Spirit.

If you are in a stage in your life where you want to grow your relationship with Jesus, or learn more about the Catholic faith, then we invite you to participate in our GROWING AS A BELIEVER experiences throughout the year. You will be able to spot them in our communications by the blue stamp, so be sure to bookmark this page or follow along on our app or on social media platforms to see where you will grow in faith.

Mental Health Rosary

Wednesdays, May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 following 6 p.m. Mass, in the church

Struggling with mental health can feel incredibly lonely. If you're struggling, please join us for a weekly rosary and let our Clement community pray with you, support you, and walk with you on your journey.

If you aren't struggling with mental health, but want to support and care for those who are, you are more than welcome to join us. Your prayers will be very appreciated.

Discover the Joy of Encountering God through Lectio Divina

Fridays, May 10 - 31, following the 8:30 a.m. Mass, in 1E/Fahey

Through this spiritual exercise, you will learn to listen to the inner message of Scripture, guided by the Holy Spirit. Rather than merely studying the text, you will engage in a transformative communion with the Living Word. Experience the joy of encountering God in His sacred word and responding to His grace. This practice is open to all, regardless of your level of Biblical knowledge. Come and discover the profound impact Lectio Divina can have on your spiritual journey. Register here. Questions, please contact Barb Bagnall.

Growing in Grace

We are blessed to have a thriving group of parishioners, age 50+, who meet monthly to discuss life topics, purpose, and faith. We would love to have you join them. Join us for our next series ‘“The Good Place”: Theological discussions about afterlife, goodness, and conversion’. We will meet on Saturdays, May 11, 18, 25 (9:30 a.m. hospitality; 10-11:30 a.m. program) in the Chapel. Learn more & register!

Mother's Day Blessing and Crowning of Mary

All are invited to join us as we celebrate Mother's Day, recognizing and thanking our mothers and mother figures as a community.

We will offer a special blessing at all Masses on Mother's Day weekend, May 11 & 12. We also will hear from members of our parish family share their reflections on motherhood.

Additionally, we will honor Mary, the Mother of God, with a Crowning of Mary ceremony at the 9:30 a.m. Mass on May 12.

Pentecost Novena

Friday, May 10 - Saturday, May 18

We invite you to join us for a special Novena, a nine-day prayer journey leading us to Pentecost, starting Friday, May 10 through Saturday, May 18. The novena will feature a guide (available as hard copy or digitally) for daily practice of the novena as well as a daily recorded testimony by a community member, each focusing on a different theme. Learn more at

Pentecost Sunday Prayer Service

Sunday, May 19, 5:45 - 6:45 p.m., in the church

Our Pentecost journey culminates with a Holy Spirit Prayer Service, a prayer-filled event on the evening of Pentecost Sunday, May 19, from 5:45 - 6:45 p.m. in the church. Join us for the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (Eucharistic Adoration), Scripture reading and silent prayer. Three members of our parish family will share their reflections on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We will end with a Benediction, and a Commissioning or pouring out of gifts.

Cabrini Panel Discussion Recap

Thank you to all who joined us for the Panel Discussion over the Cabrini movie on April 10th!  We were so blessed to share a wonderful discussion led by Joyce Duriga, Editor of Chicago Catholic, as we heard from Fr. Ramil and Sr. Laura from the National Shrine, and our very own Fr. Matt!  If you were unable to join for our discussion, you may view the video recording here.  Mother Cabrini, pray for us!  


Formally speaking RCIA is the Rite of Christian Initiation For Adults. It is the process by which new members are brought or otherwise fully initiated into the life of the Church. It is a program of prayer, conversion, learning, and faith sharing. In addition to RCIA sessions, participants will be encouraged to engage in the various faith and service opportunities and the very life of the Parish. If you are discerning becoming a Catholic, we invite you to read more here and contact Fr. Matt Litak, to get started.


Leading Others


Seeking to Belong