2022/06/03: The Holy Spirit Among Us

Inspired & led by the Holy Spirit: Sharing stories as we approach Pentecost

As we prepare to celebrate Pentecost, the birth of the church and the beginning of our story as the church, we come to celebrate the power of the Holy Spirit that in every "time and age" leads and directs our church. During this week before Pentecost, we will hear from parishioners sharing how they have seen the Holy Spirit at work. We hope that as you read these stories, you will recognize your own call to active participation, discipleship and community here at Saint Clement.

Video reflection from Brian Christ

"Here at Saint Clement, we're focused on becoming missionary disciples, inviting people into our community to become members of our community and to share the story of Jesus Christ with them. And we encourage everybody that's a member of the Church to do that. We have a lot of entry points to bring in new members of the Parish. I recommend that you invite people to take one of our Alpha courses, come to one of the Young Adult Community's volleyball games, attend one of our Wine Down Wednesdays. These are all great events to share the Holy Spirit with other people who may not be members of the Church."

We invite you to learn more about our upcoming offerings here.

To learn more about our community groups, click here.

To learn more about and our call to renewal and Renew My Church, click here.

To read reflections from our parish family on Renew My Church, please click here.

A testament to the Holy Spirit moving among us at Saint Clement

Reflection from Lori Howard, Associate Director of Liturgy

When I stepped into the interim liturgy manger role a little over a year ago, I immediately began to see the Holy Spirit at work at Saint Clement. Due to Covid, we were still masking and still taking reservations. But, as those restrictions went away, we saw people slowly returning to Sunday Mass. The excitement they brought with them was infectious. When school started back up in the Fall, we saw more and more families coming to Mass. We had a children’s choir almost every other Sunday and we trained a new crop of altar servers, this time including 4th graders. It has been such a joy to work with these servers and see their excitement to serve as they huddle together before Mass and ask me a million questions. I love it! In this past year, I’ve trained many new greeters, eucharistic ministers and lectors as well. Without all these new recruits, Christmas Masses would have been difficult to staff! Still, I continued to train more folks into the New Year and prepared for my first Holy Week here at Saint Clement as a member of the staff. I had slowly been seeing the Holy Spirit at work the past few months, but wow was it ever present during Holy Week! From seeing the crowds of people coming to Mass for all the various services to the number of liturgical ministers and greeters stepping up to assist at at multiple services. Their willingness to be part of so many services was humbling and I hope it inspired parishioners to want to a part of our liturgies!

We invite you to join us in prayer and worship! For our liturgy schedule, click here.

To learn more about volunteering at Mass through our liturgical ministries, click here.

Please note, we have Adult Altar Server training this Sunday, June 4 following the 7 p.m. Mass, and Lector training this Monday, June 6 at 6:30 p.m. Contact Lori Howard to learn more!


Young Adult Community


2022/06/02: The Holy Spirit Among Us